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Welcome to the Governing Body.

What do we do?

The Governing Body, together with the Head Teacher, staff and Local Authority, is responsible for the school. We whole heartedly believe in the school vision and actively seek to ensure this is our main driver of the education of the children at Scunthorpe CofE.

We must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves, ensuring that all the resources (including the school budget and staff) are properly used to meet the needs of all children and provide value for money.

The Governing Body appoints the Head Teacher and delegates to  her responsibility for the day to day running of the school. Individual governors have no power as such, and we cannot speak or act on behalf of the Governing Body – any decisions are made by the body as a whole.

At Scunthorpe Church of England Primary (VC)  we have six meetings of the full governing body every year; dealing with isssues arising. 

Who are we?

The Governing Body is made up of four groups who represent the 'stakeholders' in the school – staff, parents, the community and the Local Authority. At Scunthorpe Church  of England VC Primary School we have a diverse and challenging board of governors. Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, and with that, we hope we bring a wide reaching set of skills, experience and perspectives to the governing body.

Governors 2023-2024

Chair of Governors

Mrs Amanda Cleaver

Vice Chair

Mrs Fiona Kirby-Smith


Mrs Gillian  Holman

Mr Kevin Allen

Mrs Tracey Howsham.

Mrs Fahmida Masud

Mr Martin Whitehouse

Ms Eva Young

Mr Hafiz Fahel

The Chair of Governors can be contacted confidentially through the school office.

School Office :01724 842526


Rather than sub-committees we meet as full governing body twice a term. This is to ensure we have quorum numbers of governors for any strategic decisions which need making.

Each governor has an allocated area of responsiblity and is expected to attend all governing body meeetings and governor days.


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